Saturday, October 04, 2008

30 Days of Night or the Allegory of the McCain Campaign

Today, I'm going to mix things up a bit and review movies instead. We're 30 days out so this seems apropos.

30 Days of Night is a film adaptation of a graphic novel set in Alaska. The plot surrounds a group of vampires who descend on Alaskan towns during the period of Winter when the sun is absent for 30 days and feast on the people living there...

I didn't say there was any similarities....

All I'm saying is that the story has an Alaskan connection and talks about blood thirsty undead who systematically descend upon and destroy innocent, hardworking people by sucking their blood and rending them limb from limb...or garnering a $700B bailout strategy...

Now that's Straight Talk!

Now let's break this movie down a bit and tell me if any of this sounds familiar. So you have this sleepy little town of Barrow (America)
that annually goes through a period where the sun doesn't shine (elections). People who don't want to put up with it leave for other parts (Canada). A stranger, essentially the Vampire Cabal (RNC) front man (W) lays the groundwork by sabotaging the town (destroys all cell phones, breaks the helicopters, kills all the dogs, gets us into a war on false pretenses).

Now the local Sheriff (John McCain) .starts off investigating all these things when the campai- I mean killing starts And a small group of survivors (Romney, Huckabee, Guiliani and the other candidates end up holed up in an abandoned houses and buildings (Ohio and other primary states) trying to survive and figure out their next move. A few things happened, one of the survivors is a senile old man who runs off into the night followed by his son and gets killed (this is either Ron Paul or Fred Thompson, it's hard to be sure...). They stay holed up, even when the vampires enlist a young woman to use as bait. (Sarah Palin) Of course, she's stupid enough to think that the vampires will let her go if she goes along with this, and of course tries to coax other people out to be killed...

Realizing that the only way he can beat them is to join them, the Sheriff (McCain) injects himself with vampire blood (accepts the nomination) and faces off against the vampire leader (Karl Rove). He turns into a vampire (have you seen some of his speeches and ads lately????) but does it to save the town (thus confirming my theory that John McCain is secretly supporting Barack Obama). In the end he watches the Sun rise (Barack) and slowly disintegrates into dust (see November 5, 2008).

I think it's beautiful when art imitates life, and fascinating when life imitates politics.

Strangely enough, Wesley Snipes has played Blade, a half human, half vampire superhero who has all of the strengths and none of their weaknesses and has dedicated his life to destroying vampires...he even has older partner named Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) who's been fighting vampires longer than him and mentors and aids Blade in a supporting role...

Ironic huh?