Dear FOX "News",
I just wanted to say "Thank you". Thank you for all that you do to bring the absurd to light and make clear that which is cleverly hidden by reason and accountability...
You recent media blitz insinuating that Jon Stewart is defaming Herman Cain because he's Black could not have made it more clear just how hypocritical your tagline "fair and balanced" is. Perhaps it is because you're working under a different definition of "fair and balanced" than the rest of the world uses, maybe your commentators have no journalistic integrity that makes them do more than read off cue cards instead of actually examining the merits of statements, or, and this is my favorite, perhaps your entire network escaped from the Bizarro world of Superman comics where everything is the opposite. I'm really banking on this last one because I know where we can get a whole case of Blue Kryptonite to solve this whole thing, quick snap and in a hurry.
Oh, would that it were that easy to defenestrate an entity with the parasitic impact that you have on the body that is the United States of America.
But I digress...
Stop it. Please just stop it.
You are a cancer on the very conscience of our country. Not because you represent a conservative viewpoint, not because you go after those you view as liberal and "left leaning", but because you consistently omit facts, stretch the truth and frame the simplest of things in the most heinous light possible in order to forward your agenda and scare people into following you.
You are fraudulent and a blatant lie that has been perpetrated on the American people.
I hope this is clear and understandable. I'm trying to think of what you would say in this instance and then express the opposite...just so I can express a balanced and fair viewpoint.
To be clear, I love the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.
I think Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are two of the funniest and smartest people in media today, more importantly, they are honest and they have integrity, something which seems to have excused itself from the FOX "News" studios right around the time we started trading in CDs for MP3s. I went to the Rally, I watch the show, but more importantly, I trust them because they are honest about their intentions, their information and what they do.
Oh, and you can actually verify what they say on their shows with reference, sources and research.
The same, unfortunately, cannot be said for FOX "News".
"With great power there must also come great responsibility." A comic book taught me that. A fictional cartoon character espouses a principle so basic yet it escapes the grasp of your network. FOX "News" has one of the largest spheres of influence in the world, but it is squandered away on propoganda and malicious political rhetoric cloaked in the label of "fair and balanced".
So Jon Stewart made fun of Herman Cain and he's a Black man. I'm a Black man and I make fun of Herman Cain. More to the point, I am a fellow Morehouse Man and if Herman Cain were the standard, I would be ashamed to call myself one. But he isn't. He is a sad example of how a significant segment of the Republican party, the Tea Party and FOX "News" continue to use African Americans for their own agenda, not because any of you care about the issues of African Americans but simply because it is expedient and you somehow got the impression that we're all interchangeable.
Expressing an alternative viewpoint is not only healthy, but needed to ensure balance in our world...lying about it, falsely representing yourself in this light knowing full well that all your rhetoric is to cover the agenda you have is so bereft of morals, Rod Blagojevich would back off.
With great power, does come great responsibility and as such, FOX "News", you have a responsibility to your viewers, more importantly to the American people, to stop the intentional misdirection, stop the misleading information and honestly and accurately report the news using actual facts, not something Karl and Sarah put together on a bus ride over. You have a responsibility to be honest, truthful and act with integrity.
So I am writing this, and I'm asking you, FOX "News", to just say "no" and put away the falsehoods, put away the misrepresentation, to put away the lies and be forthright as a news organization should. Because Jon Stewart has done nothing but be fair and balanced in the truest sense of the words, even when having to report on issues that hit close to home.
So you have a choice. You can step up to the plate and do the right thing, or you can continue down a path that will further erode your reputation, sensibility and whatever remains of principles in your studio. The choice is yours, but whichever route you go, leave the hatchet jobs alone. Like him or not, Jon Stewart has been the consummate professional, even when dealing with your network. Stick to battling CNN and MSNBC, rather than using a whole network to attack one man, because, quite frankly, you aren't in his league.
Jonathan Palmer
Political Antidote
8 years ago